Fee Schedule . .
Prior Period Statement Copy $3.00
Returned Statement or Mail $5.00 per statement or letter, for invalid address or forwarding order
Visa Gift Card $2.50
Money Order $1.00
Fax Transmittal $1.00/page
Wire Transfer (incoming/outgoing) $25.00
Wire Transfer – International $40.00 an up
Overnight Mail Fee (Fed Ex) $35.00 and up/ varies
Share Deposit Account Fees . .
Returned Deposit Items $30.00
Stop payment order $30.00
Stop Payment Order (Official Check) $35.00
Check photocopy $3.00
NSF Check $30.00
NSF ACH $30.00
Club Account Cancellation (prior to maturity) $25.00
Dormant Account $10.00/month over 12 months
Account Research $20.00/hour Minimum 1 hour
Loan Fees . .
Loan Application $25.00 waived at closing (within 60 days of application)
Loan skip a Pay Fee $30.00
Short Term Loan/Payoff < 6 months $25.00
GAP Insurance Various
Credit Bureau Dispute/Correction $75.00
Visa Check Card Fees . .
NSF Visa Transaction $30.00
Replacement Card $15.00
Replacement Pin $3.00
Electronic / Internet Banking Fees . .
Internet Banking FREE
Internet Check Copy FREE Available for 90 days
Telephone Banking FREE
Internet Bill Pay FREE up to 20/month
E-Statements FREE
Mobile Banking FREE
Escheatment Fee $100.00
Levy Fee $100.00
The rates and fees appearing on this schedule are accurate and effective for all accounts as of the date indicated. All rates and fees are subject to change at any time. We reserve the right to charge a fee for excessive usage of our Internet Banking service. If you require current information, please contact the Credit Union. Any fee can be waived at the discretion of the CEO. . Effective 9/1/2024